Jaaxy Series Part 2: Unlocking the Power of Keyword Research

Jaaxy Series Part 2 Unlocking the Power of Keyword Research (1)

Light blue background.  Jaaxy logo, white background,  Jaaxy in bold black letters. The bars of green, red, orang, yell, blue around the "J".

6 squares with shades of blue,  from the 2nd to the 6th, line on the tone connecting to  matching shades with circles, the 5 to the last has 2 in white.

In Part 2 of our Jaaxy series, we’re focusing on keyword research.

We will explain the importance of keyword research and how it lays the foundation for SEO success. We also discover Jaaxy’s advanced features for keyword research, including strategies like the Alphabet Soup Technique and its application in local SEO. Plus, we’ll share some insider tips and tricks to maximize your keyword research efforts with Jaaxy.

Affiliate Disclaimer: I’m an affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate and Jaaxy, meaning I may earn a commission if you use their service through my links.

Table of Contents

Importance of Keyword Research

Keyword research isn’t just a task to check off your to-do list; it’s the backbone of successful affiliate marketing. Choosing the right keyword tool, like Jaaxy, is crucial.

What is a Keyword Search Tool?

Those new to affiliate marketing might wonder what a keyword search tool is. It’s a software or online service that helps you identify keywords relevant to your content and niche. These tools provide insights into search volume, competition, and other metrics that can guide your SEO strategy.

Why is this important? Because the right keywords act as a bridge between your content and your target audience.

Targeting the Right Audience:

Affiliate marketing aims to promote products or services to those who need them. Keyword research helps you understand what your potential customers are searching for, allowing you to tailor your content to meet those specific needs.

Driving Organic Traffic:

Search engines are the highways of the internet, and keywords are the signs that guide users to their destination. By optimizing for high-traffic, low-competition keywords, you increase the likelihood of ranking higher in search results, thereby driving more organic traffic to your site.

Boosting Conversion Rates:

When you target more specific, long-tail keywords, you will likely attract a more focused audience. These users are further in the buying cycle and more likely to convert, increasing your chances of earning commissions.

Staying Ahead of the Competition:

Understanding the keywords your competitors rank for can give you a competitive edge. It allows you to identify gaps in the market and opportunities to outrank them.

Resource Allocation:

Keyword research helps you identify which topics and niches are worth investing your time and resources in. This ensures that you’re not shooting in the dark but are focused on areas likely to bring returns.

Keywords aren’t static; they change with consumer behavior and market trends. Regular keyword research allows you to adapt your strategy accordingly, ensuring that you’re always aligned with what your audience is looking for.

Keyword research is not just a tool but a strategic asset in affiliate marketing. It helps you target the right audience, drive more organic traffic, boost conversions, outsmart the competition, allocate resources wisely, and adapt to market trends. So, if you’re serious about succeeding in affiliate marketing, mastering keyword research is non-negotiable.

Advanced Keyword Research Features in Jaaxy

Now that we’ve established the undeniable importance of keyword research, let’s explore the advanced features Jaaxy offers to make this task easier and more effective.

These features are designed to give you an edge, whether you are a newbie or a seasoned affiliate marketer.

QSR (Quoted Search Results):

QSR is a metric unique to Jaaxy that shows the number of competing websites ranked in Google for the exact keyword. Lower QSR means less competition, making it easier for you to rank. This feature is crucial for identifying low-hanging fruit in the keyword jungle.

KQI (Keyword Quality Indicator):

KQI gives you a quick visual indication of a keyword’s quality: Green for great, Yellow for OK, and Red for poor. This color-coded system simplifies decision-making, helping you pick winning keywords at a glance.

SEO Power:

Jaaxy calculates an SEO score for each keyword, ranging from 0 to 100, based on its traffic potential and competition. A higher score indicates a better chance of ranking on the first page of search results. This metric is invaluable for prioritizing your keyword strategy.

Search Analysis:

This feature lets you spy on your competitors by showing which websites rank for your targeted keywords. You can analyze their content, meta descriptions, and backlinks, which will give you insights into how to outrank them.


Jaaxy’s Brainstorm feature lists trending topics and popular searches, offering fresh ideas for content and new keyword opportunities. It’s a goldmine for staying ahead of market trends.

Saved Lists:

Jaaxy enables you to save your keyword lists, making revisiting and updating them easy. This feature is particularly useful for long-term projects and tracking the effectiveness of your keyword strategy over time.

Jaaxy’s advanced keyword research features are designed to give you a competitive edge. They simplify complex tasks, offer deep insights, and save time—making them indispensable tools for anyone serious about affiliate marketing.

Alphabet Soup Technique: Uncovering Long-Tail Keywords

In Part 1, we briefly mentioned the Alphabet Soup Technique as one of Jaaxy’s features.

Now, let’s dig into how this technique can be a game-changer for your keyword research strategy.

What is the Alphabet Soup Technique?

This technique involves taking a base keyword and appending or prepending it with various alphabet letters to discover long-tail keyword variations.

  • For example, if your base keyword is “affiliate marketing,” the Alphabet Soup Technique could generate variations like “affiliate marketing basics,” “affiliate marketing courses,” and so on.
Why Long-Tail Keywords?

Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they’re closer to making a purchase or using voice search. They’re invaluable for boosting conversion rates as they target users further down the sales funnel.

How to Use Jaaxy’s Alphabet Soup Feature:
  1. Enter Base Keyword:
    Start by entering your base keyword into Jaaxy’s search bar.
  1. Run Alphabet Soup:
    Click the “Alphabet Soup” tab to generate a list of long-tail keyword variations automatically.
  1. Analyze Results:
    The quality of these long-tail keywords is evaluated using Jaaxy’s QSR, KQI, and SEO Power metrics.
  1. Save or Export:
    You can save the most promising keywords to your Saved Lists for future reference or export them for further analysis.
Practical Tips:
  • Combine with Other Features: Combine the Alphabet Soup Technique with Jaaxy’s other advanced features, like Search Analysis, for a comprehensive keyword strategy.
  • Seasonal Trends: Use this feature to discover long-tail keywords related to seasonal events or holidays, offering timely content opportunities.

The Alphabet Soup Technique in Jaaxy is a powerful tool for uncovering long-tail keywords that can significantly impact your affiliate marketing success. It’s easy to use, highly effective, and can be integrated seamlessly into your overall keyword research strategy.

Using Jaaxy for Local SEO: A Hidden Gem

While Jaaxy is a powerhouse for general keyword research, it’s also a hidden gem in local SEO.

Many affiliate marketers overlook this aspect, but local SEO can be a goldmine for targeting specific geographic markets. Let’s explore how you can use Jaaxy for local SEO.

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO optimizes your online presence to attract more business from relevant local searches. These searches take place on Google and other search engines. Think of terms like “best affiliate marketing course in New York” or “SEO tools near me.”

Why Local SEO Matters in Affiliate Marketing:
  • Localized Traffic: Local keywords often have less competition and a more targeted audience.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Users searching with local intent are often further down the sales funnel and more likely to convert.
  • Diversification: Local SEO allows you to tap into different markets, reducing dependency on a single traffic source.
How to Use Jaaxy for Local SEO:
  1. Local Keyword Research:
    Use Jaaxy to find keywords that include specific locations. For example, “affiliate marketing courses in Los Angeles.”
  1. Analyze Competition:
    Use Jaaxy’s QSR feature to assess the competition for these local keywords.
  1. Optimize Content:
    Incorporate these local keywords into your blog posts, meta descriptions, and affiliate product reviews.
  1. Track Rankings:
    Use Jaaxy’s SiteRank feature to monitor the performance of your local keywords in search engine rankings.
Pro Tips:
  • Long-Tail Local Keywords: Combine the Alphabet Soup Technique with local keywords to find long-tail variations.
  • Seasonal Local Trends: Use Jaaxy’s Brainstorm feature to identify local events or seasons you can capitalize on.

Local SEO is an often-overlooked strategy in affiliate marketing that can yield significant results. Jaaxy provides all the tools to effectively target local markets, from keyword research to competition analysis and ranking tracking.

Tips and Tricks: Maximizing Jaaxy for Keyword Research

You’ve learned the basics and even explored some advanced features. Now, let’s discuss some tips and tricks to get the most out of Jaaxy for your keyword research. These hacks can make your life easier and your affiliate marketing campaigns more effective.

Batch Keyword Analysis:

Instead of analyzing keywords individually, use Jaaxy’s bulk search feature to analyze multiple keywords simultaneously. This saves you time and allows for a more comprehensive analysis.

Use Filters Wisely:

Jaaxy offers various filters like search volume, keyword length, and competition. Use these filters to sort your keyword lists and find the gems quickly.

Schedule Regular Updates:

The keyword landscape is ever-changing. Schedule regular intervals to update your keyword lists and strategies. Jaaxy’s Saved Lists feature makes revisiting and updating your previous research easy.

Leverage the Affiliate Program:

Jaaxy isn’t just a tool; it’s also an affiliate program. Use your expertise in Jaaxy to create content that encourages your readers to sign up, earning you commissions.

Integrate with Other Tools:

Jaaxy allows for easy integration with other SEO and marketing tools. This can help you create a more cohesive and automated marketing strategy.

Don’t Ignore the Metrics:

Jaaxy provides a wealth of metrics like QSR, KQI, and SEO Power. Make it a habit to study these metrics, as they offer invaluable insights into your keyword strategy.

Experiment and Adapt:

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different features and strategies. The digital landscape always evolves, and flexibility can be your greatest asset.

These tips and tricks are designed to help you maximize the benefits of using Jaaxy for keyword research. Whether a beginner or a seasoned pro, these hacks can elevate your affiliate marketing game to the next level.


We’ve covered a lot of ground in this dive into keyword research with Jaaxy, from understanding the critical role of keyword research in affiliate marketing to exploring Jaaxy’s advanced features and even local SEO strategies. This post serves as your quick overview of the essentials of keyword research with Jaaxy.

Key Takeaways:
  • Keyword Research is Non-Negotiable: If you’re serious about affiliate marketing, effective keyword research is necessary. Jaaxy offers a comprehensive suite of tools to make this task more accessible and effective.
  • Advanced Features for the Win: Jaaxy’s advanced features, such as QSR, KQI, and SEO Power, provide deeper insights that can give you a competitive edge.
  • Don’t Overlook Local SEO: Jaaxy is also a powerful tool for local SEO, an often-overlooked strategy that can yield significant results.
  • Maximize Your Efforts: With the right tips and tricks, you can get even more out of Jaaxy, making your keyword research more efficient and effective.
Further Reading
What’s Next?

Stay tuned for the next installment in our Jaaxy series, where we’ll explore how to use Jaaxy for competitor analysis and backlink strategies. Trust us, you won’t want to miss it!

For Those New to the Series
If you’re joining us and haven’t read the previous posts, here’s a quick catch-up:

Jaaxy Series Part 1: 

  • This post introduces Jaaxy, highlighting its role as an all-in-one platform for keyword research, niche discovery, and more.
  • It discusses Jaaxy’s key features, user experience, pricing, who can benefit from the platform, and details about the Jaaxy Affiliate Program.

Jaaxy Series Part 3: 

  • This post focuses on competitor analysis and backlink strategies.
  • It explores Jaaxy’s features tailored for these tasks and provides tips for leveraging Jaaxy for smarter competitor insights and effective backlink strategies. 

Jaaxy Series Part 4: 

  • This post digs into optimizing your content for better search engine rankings.
  • We explore the essentials of SEO content structuring, selecting effective keywords, and using Jaaxy’s tools for performance tracking.
  • It also provides strategies for ongoing optimization to maintain and elevate your site’s position in search engine results. 

Jaaxy Series Part 5:

  • This post centers around domain selection and management using Jaaxy. It offers an in-depth look at how Jaaxy can help find the perfect domain for your niche.
  • We dig into strategies for selecting a domain that aligns with your SEO objectives and brand identity, utilizing Jaaxy’s powerful domain search tools.
  • It covers tips on effectively managing and monitoring your domain’s performance.

Jaaxy Series Part 6:

  • This post focuses on maximizing ROI through strategic keyword optimization and conversion techniques using Jaaxy.
  • We dig into the significance of selecting the right keywords with Jaaxy to bolster your marketing strategy, offering insights on making informed keyword choices that align with SEO efforts.
  • It is packed with practical advice on optimizing keywords for a more impactful online presence, leveraging Jaaxy’s comprehensive tools for data-driven decision-making.

Ready to Unlock Your Keyword Research Game? Don’t wait. Dive into Jaaxy today and explore the features designed to enhance your affiliate marketing efforts.

Thank You for Reading!

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Website: Marketing with Kerri 

Email:  kerri.o@marketingwithkerri.com

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Until Next Time,


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