Exploring Wealthy Affiliate: An Insider’s Honest Review

Exploring Wealthy Affiliate An Insider's Honest Review (7). Dark gray background white, REVIEW in red letters, magnify glass with black handle over the first "E".

Company Name: Wealthy Affiliate

Website:  https://www.WealthyAffiliate.com
Starter FREE, Premium $49/month, Premium Plus+ $99/month
Founders: Kyle & Carson
2.7+ MILLION members
Overall Rating: 4.9/5
Trust Pilot Consumer Rating: 4.9/5
Research Tools: 5/5
Customer Support: 5/5
Training/Classes: 5/5
WordPress Hosting: 5/5
Websites: 5/5

Free Test Drive:  YES. Get Rolling Here! (no credit card required)

Affilaite Program: YES. The best part? Even free starter members earn commissions.

  • Updated Training
  • Upcoming Releases

Table of Contents

Affiliate Disclaimer: I’m an affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate, Jaaxy, and SiteRubix, meaning I may earn a commission if you use their service through my links.

Personal Perspective: A Decision Driven by Opportunity

I joined Wealthy Affiliate for two simple reasons:

FREE Starter Membership: The first was the Free Starter Membership, which allowed me to explore the platform without any financial commitment. You do not see this ‘try before you buy’ approach every day. It took away some of the hesitancy, and I thought, what do I have to lose?

Earn as you learn: A close second was when I learned that they have a unique opportunity to earn commissions as a Free Starter Member while I learned the ropes. This meant that I could start building my online business and generating income right from the start, even before upgrading to a premium membership!

I haven’t seen many platforms offer a Free 7-Day Test Drive, no credit card required, and an opportunity to earn commissions as a Free member.

Earn While You Learn

The Real Deal on Wealthy Affiliate Commissions

As a free starter member, you can earn commissions while learning affiliate marketing. The platform also has a transparent and rewarding commission structure.

Earn Revenue by Referring People to Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate has one of the most exciting affiliate programs available anywhere online. You can earn consistent revenue by simply referring others to the community!

Blue background, white letters.
You Earn
Premium Monthly 
Blue background, white letters.
You Earn $235.00
Premium Yearly 
Blue background, white letters.
Conversion Rate
1 in 8 
Over 12% of
People go Premium
Blue background, white letters.
Earn $100.00 +
Per Premium Signup

Commissions are $20.00 for the first month $49.00 special offer, then $23.50 thereafter.

Blue background, white letters.
You Earn 
Premium Plus Monthly
Blue background, white letters.
You Earn 
Premium Plus Yearly
Blue background, white letters.
2 in 8
Over 25% of
People go Premium 
Blue background, white letters.
Per Premium Plus

Commissions are $40.00 for the first month $99.00 special offer, then $46.50 thereafter.

Starter Members earn $20.00 for special offer referrals, then $23.25 monthly and $160.00 yearly commissions.

Long-Term Earning Potential

Several features are aimed at long-term earning potential. This means you’re not just making quick money but setting up for consistent income over time.

Here’s how:

  • Lifetime Cookies:
    • Unlike other programs that limit your earning window, Wealthy Affiliate ensures you can earn commissions for the entire duration of your referral’s membership.
  • Generous Commissions:
    • Wealthy Affiliate provides attractive commissions for both Starter and Premium members you introduce.
  • High Conversion Rates:
    • The platform enjoys high conversion rates thanks to transparent pricing, exceptional training, and a supportive community. This ensures that your referrals are more likely to become active members.
  • Recurring Commissions:
    • Wealthy Affiliate stands out with its recurring commission model. You don’t just earn once; you continue earning as long as your referrals remain Premium members, establishing a consistent revenue stream.
  • Personalized Affiliate Tools:
    • Wealthy Affiliate offers unique affiliate links and banners optimized for conversions. These tools simplify the process of promoting the platform and tracking your referrals.
  • Global Reach:
    • Members from over 193 countries, Wealthy Affiliate’s community spans globally. It’s a testament to its universal appeal and allows you to engage with a diverse audience, stretching your affiliate marketing efforts across borders.

A Dual Opportunity:— you’re expanding your knowledge and growing your income. The features discussed contribute to a steady income, not just one-time earnings. The focus is on long-term financial benefits, from the commission structure to the global reach.

While Wealthy Affiliate’s commission structure is already a good reason to join, the platform also offers an annual Super Affiliate Conference in Las Vegas as an extra perk.

WA Las Vegas Super Affiliate Conference:

Joining Wealthy Affiliate in affiliate marketing offers benefits like the annual Super Affiliate Conference in Las Vegas. It’s more than a trip; it’s a nod to your hard work in affiliate marketing.

Earning a Spot in Vegas:
Circle light green to light blue, white plane inside.  Blue oval 15o in white letters on the top right corner of the circle.
WA Las Vegas Super Affiliate
Conference in bold black letters. 
Gray letters -
Achieve 150 Premium Referrals in 2024 and earn an invitation to hang out with Kyle, Carson and others on this all-paid private conference!.

Light gray 150 to Go ! under the circle ( a count down for your referrals)
  • For more details on reaching Super Affiliate status,

Kyle’s article “Achieve SUPER AFFILIATE Status in the Year Ahead!” (2024).

Evaluating Wealthy Affiliate

Pros, Cons, and Clearing Up Misconceptions

Pros: What Works Well

We’ll cover Wealthy Affiliate’s strengths. From in-depth training modules and live expert-led classes to a community with your back, this platform suits everyone, from beginners to pros.

  • Comprehensive Training: Wealthy Affiliate offers a wide range of training resources, from beginner courses to advanced modules, to ensure you’re well-equipped to succeed in affiliate marketing.
  • Expert-Led Live Classes: The platform hosts live classes led by industry experts, providing real-time insights and actionable tips.
  • Interactive Community: One of the standout features is the supportive community. Whether a beginner or a pro, you’ll find people willing to help, share experiences, and offer advice.
  • Personalized Learning: Wealthy Affiliate allows you to tailor your learning experience, offering structured courses and on-demand resources.
  • Up-to-date Content: Contrary to some claims, the training material is regularly updated to reflect industry trends and best practices.
  • Affiliate Program: The platform offers a lucrative affiliate program, allowing you to earn while you learn.
  • Transparency: Everything is laid out, from commission structure to membership levels, so you know exactly what you’re getting into.
  • Global Reach: With members from over 193 countries, you’re part of a global network, expanding your opportunities in affiliate marketing.
Areas for Improvement: What to Keep in Mind
Be Mindful in the Community

While the community is a big asset, it has its pitfalls.

  • Social Distractions: Wealthy Affiliate has a big, diverse community. That’s mostly good, but you’ll run into some folks here more for the chat than the business. My advice? Ignore the noise and stay focused.
  • Wrong Information: Some members might steer you in the wrong direction or offer shiny distractions.
    • Do your research and be selective about who you listen to.
  • Wasting Time: Live Chat and the Blog are excellent resources – however, be careful :
    • Spending too much time on one or both can sidetrack you from your main goal.
  • Not all advice is good; some might mean well but give incorrect or misleading answers.
    • Do Your Research and Stay Focused On Your Journey.
  • Don’t Drown in Training: Wealthy Affiliate offers a lot of training. It’s easy to get lost if you rush through it, jump ahead, and miss steps.
    • Ask Questions ( there is a section at the end of the training to ask questions); take advantage of it, and don’t stay stuck.
    • Don’t skip sections or jump ahead.
      • Stick to the process; it’s all laid out in front of you every step of the way.
  • Success Takes Work: You’ll see people here crushing it, and it’s natural to want to fast-track your success.
    • Don’t. They worked for it, and you’ll have to as well. It’s that simple.
Outdated training? That’s just not true.

There are many reviews out there on Wealthy Affiliate that don’t do their due diligence. They may not intentionally make false claims or intend to put a bad light on Wealthy Affiliate to make their chosen affiliate look better; I’ll leave it to you to decide.

Either way, most never sign up to check out Wealthy Affiliate, or they only spend a few hours or maybe a day or two inside.

I value honest reviews, but it’s frustrating when people make unfounded accusations. If you’re going to critique something, it’s crucial to have firsthand experience and to do your due diligence. Honesty and integrity should be at the forefront of any review; otherwise, it’s a disservice to readers looking for genuine insights.

Wealthy Affiliate has updated its Core Training and uses the new Hub Platform.

Keep up to date with Kyle’s Blog:


Pricing – Levels of Membership
New Starter Pricing & Offer…

Premium: $49 Per Month + FREE Domain

Premium Plus+: $99 per month + TWO FREE Domains

The prices have NOT gone up, but the first 7-day “action taker” offer has changed. Offering a free domain with Premium and TWO free domains with a Premium Plus+ membership.

Learn more ~~> New Membership Pricing with Domains.

Starter Membership: $0 Test Drive – No Credit Card Required
Small Rocket.   
Black letters
Wealthy Affiliate Starter Access. Get Your Business Started
$0/ month 
Long squared box,  Start For Free !.
Key Benefits.
Small gray circles with black check marks down the left side. 

1,500 AI Word Credits
Try the AI Author Platform (BETA)
1 Practice Website
1 Limited Business Hub
Jaaxy Starter
Limited Help & Support
Core Niche Training (8 Classes)
Purple diamond graphic, 
Premium bold black letters,
Provides everything you need to build a successful business. 
$24.92/ month
Billed $299 yearly ( SAVE $289/year)
Purple box, Get Premium un white letters.
Key Benefits:
( each has a gray circle with a purple check mark inside)
7K Word Credits /mo ($35/mo value)
Weekly Expert Classes
Core Training (40 Classes)
3 Websites
3 Full Business Hubs
Jaaxy Lite
Unlimited Help & Support
24/7 Website Tech Support
Gold circle with black crown in center.
Orange to pink oblong, MOST POPULAR in white letters.
Designed for businesses and sites seeking enhanced productivity, speed, and scalability. 
Billed $499 yearly (SAVE $689/year)
Gold oblong, Get Premium Plus + in black letters.
Key Benefits: 
(each has a gold circle with black check mark in front of it)
20K Word Credits/ mo ($100/mo Value)
Daily Expert Classes
Core Training (40 Classes)
Advanced Youtube Expert Training
Advanced SEO Expert Training
Advanced Pay-Per Click Expert Training
Advanced Email/ Funnel Expert Training
10 Websites
10 Full Business Hubs
Jaaxy Enterprise ($99/mo value)
Unlimited Help & Support
24/7 Website Tech Support

Personal Perspective:

A clear breakdown of each membership level and transparent pricing options were key factors in my decision-making process. Wealthy Affiliate offers both monthly and yearly subscription choices, providing flexibility.

  • Yearly Savings: Opting for an annual subscription simplifies your billing and offers substantial cost savings.
  • Black Friday Sale: Keep an eye out for this; it’s been an annual HUGE SAVINGS around Thanksgiving (November).

These aspects, including membership breakdowns, pricing flexibility, annual savings, and the Black Friday Sale, contribute to the appeal of Wealthy Affiliate for affiliate marketers.

I recommend starting with the Free Starter Membership to keep things focused and avoid overwhelming you with details.

Once comfortable, you can explore the other membership levels to see what suits your needs best.

The comprehensive chart below gives a detailed comparison of what each membership tier offers.

[? Upgrade Detailed Comparison]

A Personal Perspective: Separating Wealthy Affiliates from the Rest

I’m sure many of you have tried various platforms, e-books, or courses in the past. More often than not, they tend to be filled with more fluff than valuable content. Sound familiar? Trust me, I’ve been down that road more times than I care to admit. Spending money, hoping for that one breakthrough, and then feeling let down.

Enter Wealthy Affiliate.

What struck me about Wealthy Affiliate was its transparency and the real sense of community. This wasn’t just another platform trying to take my money. Instead, it was a place that offered genuine training and tangible support. Whenever I hit a roadblock or needed advice, there was always someone there to help.

The real difference?

Wealthy Affiliate is set up to guide you toward success, not leave you hanging. The mindset here is collective growth—when one member succeeds, it’s a win for the community. So, instead of feeling like just another customer, at Wealthy Affiliate, you’re part of a team, a community.

As we continue to explore what Wealthy Affiliate offers, remember: this isn’t just another online course. It’s a platform designed with genuine intent, placing value and integrity at its core.

~ I have been a member since 2013, many have been members since its start in 2005.

By the Numbers: Quick Stats

For those of you who like to get straight to the numbers, here are some stats that highlight Wealthy Affiliate’s impact and reach:

  • 193 + COUNTRIES
  • 2,600,000 + MEMBERS
Founders: Building a Legacy of Success

Knowing who’s behind the curtain is always good when looking at an online platform. Meet Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim, the brains behind Wealthy Affiliate. They launched this platform in 2005, aiming to make the affiliate marketing world more accessible and supportive.

Kyle and Carson are not just business founders but pioneers in the truest sense. They saw a gap in the market and built Wealthy Affiliate to fill that void.

  • What’s really cool is that despite the platform’s growth, they’re still active within the community. That hands-on touch showcases their genuine commitment to helping members succeed.

It’s one thing to start a platform; it’s another to nurture and evolve it. Kyle and Carson have poured time, energy, and resources into Wealthy Affiliate, ensuring it remains updated and ahead of the curve.

When it comes to trust, actions speak louder than words. Over the years, these founders have proven their dedication time and time again.

  • Their commitment is evident in the strong, active community at Wealthy Affiliate and their consistent efforts to reinvest in the platform.
  • Affordable Quality: Price hikes? Not here. Despite inflation and rising costs, Wealthy Affiliate has kept its premium services affordable. The value you get for your money here is unparalleled, especially when compared to other platforms that charge much more for much less. And don’t forget the no-cost Starter membership, which gives a solid introduction without costing you a dime.
Vibrant Community

Your Supportive Network for Success

Diving into online business can often feel like a solo mission, but with Wealthy Affiliate, you’re never truly alone. The platform is home to a bustling community brimming with expertise and camaraderie.

  • Interactive Forums: Browse diverse discussion threads ranging from newbie questions to pro-level strategies. Each post is not just a message—it’s a lesson, ensuring you’re always learning.
  • Live Chat: Need a quick answer? The live chat feature is your go-to. From tech hiccups to content brainstorming, there’s always someone on standby for a chat.
  • Private Messaging: There are times when public forums aren’t enough. The platform’s messaging system is handy for private chats or deeper one-on-ones.
  • A Collaborative Atmosphere: Wealthy Affiliate is more than just a platform—it’s a collective. Every member, whether a newcomer or a veteran, contributes to the community’s wealth of knowledge.
  • A Pay It Forward Mindset: The community thrives on the “Pay It Forward” philosophy. It’s a place where success is celebrated, and help is always at hand, creating an environment where everyone rises together.
Trustpilot Consumer Rating: A Solid 4.9/5
Trustpilot Wealthy Affiliate (4)

Trust and credibility are important when you’re picking an online platform. Wealthy Affiliate takes these seriously, with a Trustpilot rating of 4.9/5. This rating confirms that the platform is reliable and that real users find value.

If you’re considering starting an online journey, this Trustpilot score adds a layer of trust. It shows that Wealthy Affiliate has a good reputation and a supportive environment for those interested in affiliate marketing.

Research Tools
  • Keyword Research Tools: Its advanced keyword research tools are Central to Wealthy Affiliate’s offerings.
    • These tools offer high-potential keywords relevant to your niche, insights into search trends, competition, and potential traffic. With this knowledge, you can fortify your content creation and optimization strategies, ensuring every effort is strategically poised for maximum impact.
  • Niche Analysis: Navigating to a profitable niche is paramount, and Wealthy Affiliate offers essential guidance.
    • The platform assists you in selecting and analyzing niches, helping you pinpoint areas of opportunity and gauge their viability before committing your time and energy.
  • Competitor Insights: Understanding your competition is key to success.
    • Wealthy Affiliate’s research tools empower you to dissect competitors’ websites, strategies, and performance. This foresight allows you to refine your approach, uncover gaps, and carve out unique angles that set you apart.
  • Market Trends and Insights: Adapting to industry shifts and emerging markets is critical.
    • Wealthy Affiliate’s research resources provide the latest insights, enabling you to adapt strategies to evolving consumer behavior and preferences.

Harnessing Wealthy Affiliate’s research tools and resources can give you a competitive edge in your affiliate marketing journey. The platform empowers you to unravel opportunities, refine your approach, and navigate with a data-driven strategy that maximizes your potential for success.

With your research toolbox ready, let’s shift our attention to another vital aspect of the Wealthy Affiliate journey: the exceptional customer support that ensures you’re never left in the dark.

Exceptional Customer Support

Having reliable and responsive customer support can be a game-changer for your journey to success. Wealthy Affiliate distinguishes itself in this regard, offering unparalleled assistance to its members.

  • Timely Responses and Expertise: Wealthy Affiliate’s customer support team is a testament to its commitment. Known for their swift and knowledgeable responses, they address a spectrum of technical queries – from resolving technical glitches to ensuring seamless navigation through the platform. Their adept solutions ensure you’re never left alone to figure it out.
  • Community Engagement: The Wealthy Affiliate community is a solid support system in its own right. Experienced members are willing to share their know-how, giving you real solutions and insights. This isn’t just a community; it’s a collaborative hub where everyone’s questions get answered, enriching the whole group.
  • Direct Access to Mentors: Wealthy Affiliate goes beyond the usual by giving you direct access to mentors, including the founders, Kyle and Carson. Their real-world experience and insights aren’t just fluff; they’re actionable advice to help you succeed.
  • Round-the-Clock Availability: Online business doesn’t clock out at 5 PM, and neither does Wealthy Affiliate’s support. They’re up and running 24/7, so you can get the help you need when needed, keeping tech hiccups from slowing you down.

With strong customer support, Wealthy Affiliate is committed to your success. With their help, you can tackle challenges, make smart decisions, and move forward in your online journey.

Note: The benefits significantly outweigh the drawbacks, but remember, as we discussed in the ‘What Can Be Improved’ section, it’s crucial to do your research and stay focused on your goals.

Comprehensive Training

Affiliate marketing success demands a solid knowledge foundation and ongoing skill development. Wealthy Affiliate stands out for its comprehensive training resources, which empower you to sharpen your expertise and stay ahead of industry trends.

Accessing Training:

Wealthy Affiliate’s Toolbar Update: Introducing “Hubs” and “Activity”:

To access the training resources, click on “Hubs.”

2 New Training Series included in your FREE Starter Membership ~~ 8 classes total!

UX Update for Starter Membership:

  • Why the Change? We’ve adjusted Wealthy Affiliate’s starter membership to streamline the learning process.
  • What’s New? Starter members can now focus on foundational classes where they can follow along, reducing confusion and enhancing their initial learning journey.

Keep up to date with Kyle’s Blog:


Step-By-Step Core Training
Laying the Groundwork for Your Business.
In this series, you are going to be learning all about the fundamental basis of building a successful business online. Before you can create a revenue-generating busines... 

Gray box with white play icon.  4 Classes

Light gray background, black letters.
Laying the Groundwork for Your Business
Blue letters, blue circle with white play icon.  
Class 1 Getting Rolling with Your NEW Bootcamp Business.

Gray circle with gray play button.

Class 2 How the "Make Money Online" Process Really Works!

Class 3: Creating Your About Me Post Using Our Designer

Class 4 Going Live with Your Business and Brand!
Step-By-Step Core Training in bold black letters .
Laying the Groundwork for Your Bootcamp Business.
This series is going to get you up and running with your foundation for a successful, long term business promoting Wealthy Affiliate.  This includes how to..... 

Gray box with white play icon.
4 Classes
2 gray lines
a dash and play icon.
Laying the Groundwork for Your Bootcamp Business.
Blue letters, blue circle with white play icon.  
Class 1 Getting Rolling with Your NEW Bootcamp Business.

Gray circle with gray play button.

Class 2 How the "Make Money Online" Process Really Works!

Class 3: Creating Your About Me Post Using Our Designer
Class 4 Going Live with Your Business and Brand!

Starting Your Journey: Try the FREE 7-Day Test Drive!

I recommend starting with the FREE 7-Day Test Drive. It’s completely risk-free, and you don’t need a credit card.

Expanding Your Knowledge:

After your initial 7 days, if you upgrade, you’ll unlock access to an even broader range of training materials.

To see what each membership level offers, take a look at our detailed comparison charts:

[? Upgrade Detailed Comparison]

More Training on the Way:
  • More significant updates and feature releases are coming as we move through 2024.

What to Explore Next:

  • Interactive Classrooms: Interactive Classrooms:
    • Real-time discussions and immediate feedback make learning here more effective.
  • Live Classes and Webinars: The Live Classes feature is a standout offering within Wealthy Affiliate.
    • Real-time sessions, hosted by industry experts and experienced marketers, cover various topics and trends. Engaging with these live events provides up-to-the-minute insights, interactive Q&A sessions, and the chance to connect directly with seasoned professionals.
  • Weekly Training Webinars: Wealthy Affiliate goes beyond one-time live classes.
    • The platform offers weekly webinars that address the latest techniques, tools, and strategies. This ongoing education ensures you’re always at the cutting edge of affiliate marketing.
  • Personalized Learning: Whether you’re a visual learner, prefer step-by-step tutorials, or thrive in interactive discussions, Wealthy Affiliate’s training
    • Caters to diverse learning styles. You’re empowered to absorb knowledge at your own pace and engage with the materials in a way that resonates with you.

Wealthy Affiliate’s training gives you all you need to build a strong foundation in affiliate marketing.

All-Inclusive Website Solutions

Building and Hosting with Ease:

A professional and dependable online presence is non-negotiable. Wealthy Affiliate simplifies the journey of crafting, hosting, and managing your websites, allowing you to concentrate on the core of your online business growth.

Build a LIVE Niche Website as a Free Starter Member, Step-by-Step, in 60 Seconds
  • Cutting-Edge Website Platform: Wealthy Affiliate features an intuitive website builder that empowers you to design striking and functional websites without coding expertise. Customizable templates ensure your site effectively mirrors your brand and niche.
  • You can build a FREE, fully functional niche website using Wealthy Affiliate’s SiteRubix platform.
    • Build your Free Website ~~> SiteRubix.
  • Wealthy Affiliate offers more than a website-building platform. It provides a comprehensive solution covering website design, creation, and management.
  • Whether you’re a newbie looking to launch your first site or an experienced marketer wanting to upgrade your online presence, Wealthy Affiliate’s platform is tailored to meet your needs, making your online journey smoother and more efficient.
  • Managed WordPress Hosting: Beyond storage, Wealthy Affiliate’s managed WordPress hosting guarantees top-tier performance, security, and regular backups. This assurance leaves you free to focus on crafting content and strategy, secure in the knowledge that your website is in capable hands.
    • ~~> Learn more WordPress hosting
    • Details and a Comparison chart “Dare to Compare. Best Managed WordPress Hosting.”
  • Domain Management: Wealthy Affiliate streamlines domain registration and offers a seamless solution for securing and managing domains. Whether establishing a single site or juggling multiple domains, the platform delivers a hassle-free and efficient process.
    • Check it out ~~> Domain Management
      • Details and a Comparison chart “Compare WA Domains to the Industry.”
  • Website Analysis Tools: Wealthy Affiliate goes beyond building and hosting and equips you with tools to analyze and refine your website’s performance. These insights enable tracking visitor behavior, assessing traffic sources, and refining strategies to enhance user engagement and conversions.
    • Try it 30 Free Searches ~~> Jaaxy.

Wealthy Affiliate combines training, community support, research tools, and hosting into one solid platform for affiliate marketing.

The Path Forward: Your Online Journey with Wealthy Affiliate

In this review, we’ve explored the ins and outs of Wealthy Affiliate.

Key Takeaways:

  • Training Programs: Wealthy Affiliate provides extensive training resources that cater to marketers at all levels.
  • Community Support: One of the platform’s strongest suits is its community, where you can get real-time advice and support.
  • Pricing: With free and premium options, Wealthy Affiliate is accessible to those on any budget.
  • Pros and Cons: While the platform has numerous advantages, it’s important to consider the limitations.

Wealthy Affiliate is a worthwhile investment whether you’re just starting or looking to scale your affiliate marketing business.

My personal journey with Wealthy Affiliate has been rewarding, and I believe it can be for you, too. If you decide to take the free trial, I will be on the other side, there to help out.

Ready to take the next step?

Create your FREE ‘Test Drive’ Starter Membership, no credit card required, and experience Wealthy Affiliate for yourself.

Thank You for Reading!

Have any thoughts or questions? I’d love to hear from you.

Drop a comment or reach out directly:

Website: Marketing with Kerri 

Email:  kerri.o@marketingwithkerri.com

Follow me on my socials:

Until Next Time,


2 thoughts on “Exploring Wealthy Affiliate: An Insider’s Honest Review”

  1. I have had the pleasure of reading your review of Wealthy Affiliate. I was immediately struck by your transparency. You indicate, right out of the gate,  that you are an affiliate and go on to set out why you joined.  I like your approach.  Honesty right from the beginning.  That is going to resonate with people.  I know it did with me.  You seem to have covered all the bases. The only suggestion, if I may, is that you may wish to consider adding some imagery to your presentation.  Overall, you have done a nice job of describing the benefits available to those joining the platform.


    • Hi Grant,

      Thanks for your thoughtful feedback on my Wealthy Affiliate review. It’s great to hear that my commitment to transparency hit the mark with you. I believe it’s crucial to be as clear and straightforward as possible.

      Your suggestion about incorporating imagery is a great idea. I’ll be looking into adding some relevant and engaging images to enhance the review.

      Best regards,


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