Effective Strategies for Using Social Media in Affiliate Marketing

Effective Strategies for Using Social Media in Affiliate Marketing (2).
Brown background. Gold, sky, buildings in the middle ground. Tan box  Social Media in bold black letters. Different length, white lines with small circles outlines it. White graphs, bar, circle, vertical, horizontal, cogs, hexagons, arrows across.

Social media is a pivotal platform for affiliate marketers aiming to broaden their reach and elevate their sales. Navigating social media marketing demands more than sporadic posts; it requires a strategic approach, audience engagement, precise analytics, and integrated paid advertising and influencer partnerships.

This post digs into these critical elements to enhance your social media presence in affiliate marketing. We’ll break down each section, highlighting its importance, outlining effective strategies, and providing the tools necessary to implement these approaches.

Affiliate Disclaimer: I’m an affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate and Jaaxy, meaning I may earn a commission if you use their service through my links.

Table of Contents

Developing a Content Strategy

Crafting a content strategy is pivotal for effective social media use in affiliate marketing, focusing on strategic posting to engage and convert your audience.

Here’s how to build your strategy with targeted actions and tools for implementation.

Note: Do your research and consider your goals and budget. Sign into your social media accounts to access the tools for that platform; you will need a Business or Professional account to access analytics.

Identify Your Audience:
  • Why It Matters: Knowing your audience ensures your content resonates personally, increasing engagement and loyalty. Tailored content is more likely to be consumed, shared, and acted upon.
  • Strategy: Understand who your content is for. Tailor your content to match your target audience’s interests, needs, and online behaviors to ensure maximum resonance and engagement.
  • Tools: Google Analytics for audience insights; Facebook (Insights) for demographic and behavior data specific to your audience.
    • Sign into your social media accounts and search for demographic and behavioral data.
Set Clear Objectives:
  • Why It Matters: Clear objectives guide your content creation process, ensuring every piece of content has a purpose and contributes to your overall marketing goals. This focus helps in measuring success and ROI more accurately.
  • Strategy: Clearly define your goals for your social media efforts, whether it’s brand awareness, traffic, or sales. These objectives will shape your content strategy.
  • Tools: SMART Goals template to outline and track your objectives; KPI (Key Performance Indicator) trackers in Excel or Google Sheets to monitor progress.
    • SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound.
Content Planning:
  • Why It Matters: A content calendar helps maintain a consistent posting schedule, which is crucial for keeping your audience engaged and growing your online presence. Consistency also aids in building a reliable brand image.
  • Strategy: Organize your posting schedule with a content calendar to ensure consistent engagement with your audience. Plan your topics, formats, and posting frequency.
Content Diversity:
  • Why It Matters: Mixing educational, engaging, and promotional content keeps your feed interesting and can cater to different audience needs at different times. This diversity helps attract and retain a wider audience.
  • Strategy: Balance your content mix with educational, engaging, and promotional posts to keep your audience interested. Each type plays a role in building authority and community and driving conversions.
  • Tools: BuzzSumo for content idea generation and trend tracking; Canva for creating diverse content formats from images to infographics.
Visual Storytelling:
  • Why It Matters: Visuals are processed faster by the brain and are more likely to be remembered than text alone. High-quality images and videos can significantly increase the engagement and shareability of your content.
  • Strategy: Enhance your content with high-quality visuals to increase shareability and retention. Visuals can dramatically improve engagement and appeal.
  • Tools: Unsplash for high-quality, free images to use in your content.
Engagement Plan:
  • Why It Matters: An engagement plan ensures you actively interact with your audience, building a community around your brand. Engagement increases reach and fosters loyalty, turning followers into advocates.
  • Strategy: Develop a plan for interacting with your audience to foster community and boost content visibility. This includes commenting strategies and sharing user-generated content.
  • Tools: Hootsuite or Buffer for managing interactions across platforms; Mention for monitoring brand mentions and engaging with users.
Performance Review:
  • Why It Matters: Regularly reviewing your content’s performance lets you understand what resonates with your audience, enabling you to refine and optimize your strategy for better results.
  • Strategy: Regularly assess your content’s performance to understand what resonates with your audience. Use these insights to refine and optimize your strategy.
  • Tools: Google Analytics for web traffic analysis; Social media platform analytics for engagement and reach metrics.
    • Sign into your social media accounts and search for engagement and reach metrics analytics.

By integrating these strategies and tools, you’ll craft a content strategy that aligns with your affiliate marketing goals and actively engages and grows your social media presence.

Engagement Tactics

Maximizing engagement on social media is key to building a community around your affiliate marketing efforts.

Here are strategies to foster engagement, along with tools and resources to implement them effectively:

Community Building:
  • Why It Matters: Building a community creates a sense of belonging among your audience, making them more likely to engage with your content and advocate for your brand. A strong community fosters trust and loyalty, which are crucial for long-term success.
  • Strategy: Encourage user interaction by sharing relatable content and inviting your audience to participate in discussions.
  • Tools: Social Media Groups for creating a dedicated space for your community; Discord or Slack for real-time conversations.
    • Sign into your social media accounts and search for groups.
Interactive Content:
  • Why It Matters: Interactive content like polls, quizzes, and contests actively involves your audience, making the engagement experience more enjoyable and memorable. This type of content can also provide valuable insights into your audience’s preferences.
  • Strategy: Use polls, quizzes, and contests to make your content more engaging and gather insights about your audience.
  • Tools: Typeform for creating interactive quizzes and surveys; Rafflecopter for running contests and giveaways.
Direct Engagement:
  • Why It Matters: Responding to comments and messages personalizes the user experience and shows that you value your audience’s input. This direct interaction can significantly enhance relationship building and customer loyalty.
  • Strategy: Show your audience you value their interaction by promptly responding to comments and messages.
  • Tools: Sprout Social or Agorapulse for efficiently managing and responding to social media interactions across platforms.
User-Generated Content (UGC):
  • Why It Matters: UGC validates your community’s engagement and provides authentic content that resonates with your audience. It acts as social proof, enhancing credibility and trust in your brand.
  • Strategy: Encourage your followers to share their own content related to your brand or products. This boosts engagement and provides authentic material for your social media channels.
  • Tools: Yotpo can help you collect and showcase UGC across your platforms, enhancing credibility and community feeling.
Live Streaming:
  • Why It Matters: Live streaming offers real-time interaction, making your audience feel more connected to your brand. It’s an effective way to humanize your brand, showcase your authenticity, and directly engage with viewers, fostering a deeper connection.
  • Strategy: Host live sessions to connect with your audience in real-time. Use these sessions for Q&As, product demonstrations, or behind-the-scenes looks to create a sense of immediacy and exclusivity.
  • Tools: Platforms offer live streaming. Instagram Live, Facebook Live, and Twitch offer, allowing direct interaction with your audience.
    • Sign into your social media account and search for live streaming.
  • Why It Matters: Storytelling captivates your audience, making your brand more relatable and memorable. It’s a powerful method for evoking emotions, conveying brand values, and creating a lasting impact, encouraging stronger engagement and loyalty.
  • Strategy: Craft compelling stories around your brand, products, or experiences. Good storytelling can captivate your audience, making your content more memorable and shareable.
  • Tools: Platforms like Instagram Stories and Facebook Stories are ideal for sharing narrative content that disappears after 24 hours, creating a sense of urgency and engagement.
    • Sign into your social media accounts and search for sharing narrative content that disappears quickly.
Collaborations and Partnerships:
  • Why It Matters: Collaborating with influencers or other brands can expand your reach and introduce your content to new audiences. These partnerships bring fresh perspectives and content to your platform, enhancing its appeal and diversity.
  • Strategy: Partner with influencers or other brands that align with your values to co-create content. This can expand your reach and introduce your brand to new audiences.
  • Tools: BuzzSumo or Buffer can help identify potential partners and manage collaboration campaigns.
Feedback and Polls:
  • Why It Matters: Actively seeking feedback through polls and surveys demonstrates that you value your audience’s opinions, fostering a collaborative environment. This feedback is invaluable for tailoring your content and strategies to meet your audience’s needs better.
  • Strategy: Actively seek feedback from your audience through polls and surveys. This engages them and provides valuable insights for improving your content and offerings.

Implementing a mix of these engagement tactics and the initial strategies of community building, interactive content, and direct engagement will help you create a dynamic and interactive social media presence.

Utilizing Analytics for Growth

Analytics are pivotal in refining your social media strategy and fostering growth in your affiliate marketing endeavors.

Beyond just tracking performance and using analytics tools, understanding and acting on your data can significantly enhance your approach.

Performance Tracking:
  • Why It Matters: Monitoring key performance metrics allows you to gauge the effectiveness of your social media activities. Understanding engagement, click-through, and conversion rates helps you identify what content resonates with your audience, enabling you to replicate successful strategies.
  • Strategy: Consistently monitor a broad range of metrics, including engagement rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and beyond. Look into audience growth, content reach, and the sentiment of the interactions to gauge the health and effectiveness of your social media activities.
  • Tools: Use platform-specific insights such as Instagram Insights and Twitter Analytics for engagement and audience metrics; Google Analytics for tracking website traffic sources, user behavior, and conversion attribution from social campaigns.
    • Sign into your social media accounts and search for engagement and audience metrics.
Analytics Tools:
  • Why It Matters: Utilizing analytics tools gives you a comprehensive view of your social media performance across platforms. These tools can uncover trends and patterns in your data, providing actionable insights to inform strategic decisions and optimize your marketing efforts.
  • Strategy: Employ a suite of analytics tools for a granular social media performance analysis. These tools can offer insights into how your content performs and how users interact across different platforms.
Adapting Strategy Based on Data:
  • Why It Matters: The digital landscape and your audience’s preferences constantly evolve. Using analytics to refine your content and engagement strategies ensures that your marketing efforts remain relevant and effective, maximizing your growth potential.
  • Strategy: Review your analytics regularly to identify trends and patterns that can inform strategic adjustments. This might include changing your content mix, posting schedule, or engagement tactics based on what the data shows is most effective.
  • Tools: Canva for designing engaging reports.
Competitor Analysis:
  • Why It Matters: Monitoring your competitors’ strategies and performance can provide valuable insights into what works within your niche. It helps you identify opportunities for differentiation and innovation, ensuring you stay ahead in the competitive landscape.
  • Strategy: Use analytics to keep an eye on your competitors. Understanding their performance can provide benchmarks for your growth and highlight differentiation opportunities.
  • Tools: Social Blade for comparing social media presence and growth trends.
Audience Insights:
  • Why It Matters: Deep diving into audience data allows you to tailor your content and campaigns more effectively to meet the needs and preferences of your target audience. Understanding your audience’s behavior and interests increases engagement and conversion rates.
  • Strategy: Dive deeper into who your audience is and what they care about. Tailor your content strategy to meet their needs, interests, and behaviors, as analytics reveals.
  • Tools: Facebook Audience Insights for detailed demographic, interest, and behavior data; Google Analytics for audience segments and user flow analysis.
    • Sign into your social media accounts and search for detailed demographic, interest, and behavior data.
ROI Measurement:
  • Why It Matters: Measuring the return on investment of your social media activities is crucial for assessing their financial efficiency. Accurate ROI calculation enables you to allocate your budget more effectively, focusing on strategies that offer the best return and justifying the value of your social media marketing efforts.
  • Strategy: Accurately measure your social media efforts’ ROI (Return On Investment). This involves tracking direct conversions and the value of engagement, brand awareness, and customer loyalty.

By embracing a comprehensive analytics approach that includes these strategies and tools, you can better understand your social media performance, make data-driven decisions, and continuously optimize your affiliate marketing efforts for better growth.

Amplifying Reach with Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is a powerful lever to amplify your reach and enhance your affiliate marketing results on social media.

While it’s essential to understand the advertising options, targeting strategies, and ROI measurement, expanding your approach to include creative ad formats and optimization techniques can further boost your campaign’s effectiveness.

Overview of Advertising Options:
  • Why It Matters: Understanding the various advertising tools available across social media platforms allows you to select the most suitable campaign options. Each platform offers unique features and audiences, making some more effective for your specific goals than others. This knowledge ensures you invest your advertising budget wisely, targeting your ads to achieve maximum impact.
  • Strategy: Familiarize yourself with each social media platform’s various advertising tools. Each platform provides unique ways to reach your audience, from Facebook’s detailed targeting options to Twitter’s quickly Promoted Tweets.
  • Tools: Facebook Ads Manager for creating and managing ads on Facebook and Instagram; Google Ads for YouTube advertising; LinkedIn Campaign Manager for B2B-focused campaigns.
    • Sign into your social media accounts, search for advertising tools, and manage ads.
Targeting Strategies:
  • Why It Matters: Effective targeting ensures your ads reach the right audience. By using detailed targeting options based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, you can increase the relevance of your ads, improving conversion rates and reducing wasted ad spend. Tailored ads resonate more deeply with viewers, leading to higher engagement and better results.
  • Strategy: Develop precise targeting strategies to ensure your ads reach your intended audience. Utilize demographic, interest-based, and behavioral targeting to refine your ad delivery for maximum relevance and conversion potential.
  • Tools: Audience Insights in Facebook Ads Manager for detailed demographic and interest targeting; LinkedIn’s targeting options for reaching professionals by job title, industry, or company.
    • Sign into your social media accounts and search for audience insights, detailed demographics, and interest targeting.
Measuring ROI:
  • Why It Matters: Tracking the return on investment for your paid campaigns is crucial for understanding their effectiveness. Knowing which ads drive conversions and at what cost helps you refine your advertising strategy, optimize your spending, and demonstrate the value of your marketing efforts. It ensures that every dollar spent contributes to your overall business objectives.
  • Strategy: Implement strong tracking mechanisms to accurately measure your paid campaigns’ return on investment. This involves tracking conversions, understanding the cost per acquisition, and evaluating the overall impact on your affiliate marketing goals.
  • Tools: Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics for tracking conversions and campaign performance; UTM parameters for detailed campaign tracking across platforms.
    • Sign into your social media accounts and search for tracking conversions and campaign performance.
Creative Ad Formats:
  • Why It Matters: Utilizing a variety of creative ad formats, such as video ads, carousel ads, and interactive ads, can significantly enhance user engagement and ad performance. Creative formats capture attention more effectively and provide a richer storytelling medium, which can lead to higher engagement rates and a stronger emotional connection with your brand.
  • Strategy: Leverage the range of creative ad formats to make your campaigns more engaging. Video, carousel, and interactive ads can increase engagement and conversion rates significantly.
  • Tools: Canva creating visually appealing ad creatives; Moovly or Animoto for easy video ad creation.
Ad Optimization:
  • Why It Matters: Continuously testing and optimizing your ads based on performance data ensures that your campaigns remain effective over time. Optimization can involve adjusting ad copy, visuals, targeting parameters, and bidding strategies to improve ROI. This iterative process is key to finding cost-effective ways to achieve your marketing goals.
  • Strategy: Continuously test and optimize your ad campaigns based on performance data. Experiment with different ad creatives, copy, and targeting options to find the most effective combinations.
  • Tools: Social Media A/B testing features for website optimization experiments.
    • Sign into your social media and search for A/B testing.
Cross-Platform Advertising:
  • Why It Matters: Advertising across multiple social media platforms increases your reach and allows you to engage with audiences in different online environments. Cross-platform advertising takes advantage of each platform’s strengths and can improve campaign resilience by diversifying your advertising efforts.
  • Strategy: Don’t limit your advertising efforts to a single platform. Cross-platform advertising can increase your reach and allow you to engage with audiences across different social media channels.
  • Tools: AdEspresso by Hootsuite for managing campaigns across Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads from a single dashboard; Zapier for automating workflows between advertising and analytics tools.
Influencer Collaborations:
  • Why It Matters: Partnering with influencers for paid campaigns can amplify your reach and lend credibility to your brand. Influencers have built-in, engaged audiences that trust their recommendations. Collaborating with the right influencers can drive awareness, engagement, and conversions more effectively than traditional advertising.
  • Strategy: Amplify your paid advertising with influencer collaborations. Influencers can lend credibility and extend the reach of your campaigns to their followers.
  • Tools: Upfluence for finding and managing influencer partnerships.

By integrating these strategies and tools into your paid advertising efforts, you can significantly enhance the reach and effectiveness of your affiliate marketing campaigns on social media, driving better results and achieving a higher return on investment.

Leveraging Influencer Partnerships

Influencer partnerships can dramatically extend the reach and authenticity of your affiliate marketing efforts on social media.

Beyond finding the right influencers, exploring various collaboration models, and tracking campaign success, it’s crucial to understand the nuances of influencer engagement and legal considerations.

Finding the Right Influencers:
  • Why It Matters: It is crucial to select influencers who align with your brand’s values and have an engaged audience in your niche. The right influencers can authentically promote your products or services, leading to higher trust and conversion rates among their followers. This alignment ensures that your marketing message is delivered effectively to a receptive audience.
  • Strategy: Identify influencers with significant following, high engagement rates, and an audience that aligns with your brand values and target market. Authenticity and relevance should be key criteria in your selection process.
  • Tools: BuzzSumo for identifying key influencers in your niche; Followerwonk for analyzing the followers and engagement of potential influencers on Twitter.
    • Sign into your social media accounts and search for analyzing followers’ engagement and potential influencers.
Collaboration Models:
  • Why It Matters: Exploring different collaboration models allows you to engage with influencers in a way that best suits your marketing objectives and budget. Whether through sponsored content, affiliate links, or product gifting, each model offers unique benefits and can be tailored to meet your brand’s and the influencers’ goals. This flexibility helps maximize the impact of your partnerships.
  • Strategy: There are several ways to collaborate with influencers, from sponsored content and product reviews to affiliate partnerships where influencers receive a commission for sales generated through their unique affiliate link.
  • Tools: Impact and PartnerStack offer platforms for managing and automating affiliate relationships with influencers, providing tools for tracking sales and commissions.
Tracking and Analytics:
  • Why It Matters: Measuring the success of influencer campaigns is essential for understanding their impact on your marketing goals. Tracking engagement, reach, and conversions attributed to influencer collaborations enables you to assess ROI and refine your influencer strategy over time. This data-driven approach ensures that your investments in influencer partnerships are justified and effective.
  • Strategy: Implement tracking mechanisms to measure the effectiveness of influencer campaigns, focusing on metrics such as engagement rate, reach, and conversion rates. This data will help you understand the ROI of your influencer partnerships.
  • Tools: Google Analytics for tracking website traffic and conversions from influencer campaigns; Trackable links and UTM parameters for detailed performance analysis.
Engagement and Relationship Building:
  • Why It Matters: Building genuine relationships with influencers is key to creating authentic and engaging content. When influencers truly engage with your brand, their content is more heartfelt and resonates better with their audience. This engagement leads to stronger, more meaningful connections with potential customers.
  • Strategy: Foster long-term relationships with influencers by engaging with their content and offering value beyond monetary compensation. This can lead to more authentic and effective collaborations.
  • Tools: CRM platforms like HubSpot to manage your interactions and history with each influencer; Social listening tools like Mention to engage with influencers’ content.
Content Co-Creation:
  • Why It Matters: Collaborating with influencers on content creation brings together diverse perspectives and expertise, resulting in unique and compelling content. Co-created content enhances authenticity and increases the likelihood of being shared, extending its reach and impact.
  • Strategy: Work with influencers to co-create content that resonates with your brand’s and influencer’s audiences. This collaborative approach can lead to more authentic and engaging content.
  • Tools: Trello or Asana for project management and collaboration on content creation; Canva for designing visuals collaboratively.
  • Why It Matters: Navigating the legal aspects of influencer partnerships, including contracts, content rights, and disclosure requirements, protects your brand and the influencers you work with. Compliance with advertising standards and regulations maintains your brand’s integrity, and fosters trust with your audience.
  • Strategy: Ensure all influencer partnerships comply with legal requirements, including clear disclosure of sponsored content to maintain transparency with the audience.
  • Tools: Online resources like the FTC’s Guidelines for Social Media Influencers provide essential guidelines.
Niche Influencers:
  • Why It Matters: Partnering with niche influencers can be highly effective due to their targeted and engaged followings. These influencers often strongly influence their audience’s purchasing decisions, making them valuable partners for reaching specific segments of your market with high precision.
  • Strategy: Consider partnering with micro or niche influencers who, despite having smaller followings, often boast higher engagement rates and can reach highly targeted audiences.
  • Tools: NinjaOutreach for finding and connecting with niche influencers.

Note: Do your research and consider your goals and budget when doing research for tools and resources.

By embracing a comprehensive approach to influencer partnerships that includes these strategies and tools, you can enhance the effectiveness of your affiliate marketing campaigns, ensuring they resonate with your target audience and deliver measurable results.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid
  • Over-Promotion: Focusing too much on promotional content can turn off your audience. Balance is key; provide value through educational and engaging content alongside your promotional posts.
  • Ignoring Analytics: Not utilizing analytics to guide your strategy is a missed opportunity. Review your performance data to understand what works and adjust your approach accordingly.
  • Neglecting Engagement: Failing to engage with your audience can hinder the growth of your community. Respond to comments, participate in discussions, and actively engage with your followers to build a loyal audience.
  • Inconsistent Posting: An erratic posting schedule can lead to a disengaged audience. Use a content calendar to maintain a consistent posting rhythm and engage your audience.
  • Underestimating Visual Content: Not leveraging high-quality images and videos can make your content less appealing. Visual storytelling enhances engagement and shareability.
  • Poor Targeting in Paid Ads: Wasting budget on poorly targeted ads can lead to low ROI. Use the targeting tools provided by social media platforms to ensure your ads reach your intended audience.
  • Not Disclosing Affiliations: Transparency is crucial in affiliate marketing. Always disclose your affiliate relationships to maintain trust with your audience.
  • Using Only One Platform: Limiting yourself to a single social media platform can restrict your reach. Diversify your presence across multiple platforms to maximize your audience.
  • Ignoring Influencer Fit: Partnering with influencers not aligned with your brand can dilute your message. Choose influencers who resonate with your target audience and reflect your brand values.
  • Failing to Optimize for Mobile: With most social media engagement happening on mobile devices, not optimizing your content for mobile can negatively impact user experience.
  • Overlooking Content Diversity: Relying on a single type of content can become monotonous. Mix up your content types to keep your audience engaged and interested.

By steering clear of these pitfalls, you can more effectively harness the power of social media for your affiliate marketing efforts, creating an engaging and successful strategy.


Navigating social media for affiliate marketing requires vigilance, adaptability, and a comprehensive strategy.

By developing a content strategy that truly engages your audience, utilizing analytics to inform your decisions, amplifying your reach with paid advertising, and forging valuable influencer partnerships, you lay the groundwork for a more informed and strategic approach to social media affiliate marketing.

Social media is always evolving, so staying informed and adaptable is key. Regularly revisiting your strategies and staying updated with the latest trends and tools will help you maintain a dynamic and engaging presence.

Share Your Journey and Tips:

We would love to hear about your experiences and any tips you have to share! What strategies do you use for your social media? What challenges have you faced, and what successes have you celebrated? Your insights can inspire and help others in the community. Share your stories, tips, and advice in the comments below.

Further Reading
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: How often should I post on social media for effective affiliate marketing?
A1: The ideal posting frequency varies by platform and audience. Monitor engagement and adjust based on what works best for your audience.

Q2: Can I use the same content across all social media platforms?
A2: While you can share similar themes across platforms, it’s best to tailor your content to fit each platform’s unique format and audience preferences. Customizing content can lead to better engagement.

Q3: How do I measure the success of my social media marketing efforts?
A3: Success can be measured by a combination of metrics, including engagement rates, website traffic referred from social media, conversion rates, and overall growth in followers. Use analytics tools to track these metrics over time.

Q4: How much of my content should be promotional?
A4: Follow the 80/20 rule as a guideline: 80% of your content should educate, entertain, or inform your audience, while the remaining 20% can be promotional. This balance helps maintain engagement without overwhelming followers with ads.

Q5: What’s the best way to find influencers for my affiliate marketing program?
A5: Look for influencers who already engage with your brand or share content relevant to your niche.

Q6: How important is using paid advertising in my social media strategy?
A6: Paid advertising can significantly amplify your reach and help you target specific audiences. It’s especially useful when you’re looking to boost visibility quickly or promote time-sensitive offers.

Q7: Should I respond to all comments and messages on social media?
A7: Yes, responding to comments and messages can significantly enhance engagement and build a sense of community. It shows your audience that you value their input and are actively involved in the conversation.

Q8: How can I ensure my affiliate disclosures are compliant with regulations?
A8: Always be transparent about your affiliate relationships by clearly disclosing them in your posts. Use clear language that’s easy for your audience to understand, and follow the guidelines set by regulatory bodies like the FTC.

Thank You for Reading!

Have any thoughts or questions? I’d love to hear from you.

Drop a comment or reach out directly:

Website: Marketing with Kerri 

Email:  kerri.o@marketingwithkerri.com

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Until Next Time,


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